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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mount WSO2 products to a remote WSO2 Governance Registry instance(MsSQL 2012)

In this post we are going to mount wso2 products into a remote governance registry. In the default scenario wso2 governance registry is pointed to a local h2 database.

First lets configure the governance registry instance to point to the MsSQL data source.
  • Download WSO2 Governance Registry product and extract the product.
  • Go to /repository/conf/datasources  and open master-datasources.xml
  • Then change the following entries in the WSO2CARBON data source.
            <description>The datasource used for registry and user manager</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

  • Fill the url, username, password according to your MsSQL Instance.
  • Log into the MSSQL 2012 Management studio and create a database called REMOTEDB
  • Then move to the /repository/components/lib folder in the extracted greg product folder and copy the downloaded MsSQL JDBC Connector. You can download the sqljdbc driver from this link. Download
  • Then Start the WSO2 governance product with the -Dsetup option. (-Dsetup option will populate the new schemas in the newly pointed MsSQL REMOTEDB)
D:\blog\wso2greg-4.6.0\bin>wso2server.bat -Dsetup

 Now lets mount a WSO2 product to this remote registry. 

  • Let's use WSO2 API Manager for this example post. First Download the product and extract it to your hard drive.
  • Go to /repository/conf/datasources folder and open the master-datasources.xml file
  • Then add a new data source as follows. For the demonstration purpose lets name the new datasource as WSO2_CARBON_DB2.
            <description>The datasource used for registry and user manager</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

  • Note that this datasource is a completely new entry and let the default config reamins as it is.
  • Now as we did in WSO2 governance product copy the saljdbc driver to the /repository/components/lib folder
  • No open up the /repository/conf registry.xml file in the WSO2 API Manager product and do the following changes.
  •  Add a new dbConfig as follows
<dbConfig name="remoteRegistry">
  • Note that the dataSource is set to the jndiConfig name which we used in the new datasource defined in the API Manager's master-datasources.xml
  • Now find the following configuration, uncomment it and change it to the following config values.
<remoteInstance url="https://localhost:9443/registry">
  • Note that the dbConfig name is set to the newly added dbConfig name, which is "remoteRegistry" in this example. Give a unique id value.
  • Then we set the remote mounted path using the following configuration.
<mount path="/_system/config" overwrite="true">
  • This configuration is comment by default and you have to uncomment and provide the relevant values. Note that the instanceID value is same as the id value in remoteInstance configuration.
  • The target path is set to /_system/amnode if you are using several API Manager nodes you can set all to the same path. If it is a different product it is recommend to use a different path for example ESB node path would be /_system/esbnode
  • /_system/config is the path which the product is going to be mounted.
  • Now finally if you have followed the above steps correctly start the API Manager with some port Offset if the product is running in the same machine.
D:\blog\wso2am-1.6.0\bin>wso2server.bat -DportOffset=100
  • Now log into the API Manager Web UI using the following URL
  • If you browse the resource can see the remotely mounted /_system/config registry.
API Manager Resource view
That's it for now. Feel free to shore your thoughts about the post. :)

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